Something Old, Something New

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Rabu, 27 April 2011 0 komentar
Like the rest of Britain, we at Wallpaper Rose are a little excited by William and Kate's wedding!So much so, I wanted to share with you the Royal Wedding Collection. As most of us won't actually be attending, I thought I would create a range more appropriate to the tea parties and barbecues in the sunshine that I hope you'll be having instead! I've opted for antique bronzes, pearls and blue florals....

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Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Minggu, 24 April 2011 0 komentar
Easter egg hunt anyone?Enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend - is anyone doing anything special??I'm going to see the original Alice in Wonderland animation at the cinema tomorrow!...

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Oh you pretty things

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Selasa, 05 April 2011 0 komentar
I know I've somewhat neglected my blog as of late, so I thought I had better do a quick round up! Firstly, new pieces. Though perhaps not so new.... a clear reminder of how long I've actually been working on this post! Also the new Jen Tees - I hope the new lace collars are liked as much as the old ones were - I actually think I prefer these, but we'll see how it goes. My t-shirt supplier also seems...

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