Daily Planet

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011 0 komentar
Lois Lane

Why? Well Motel were running a competition on their facebook page - suffice to say I didn't win and probably should have done something more productive with my time. However I'm just so enamored with this outfit, I thought I would share it. This chambray dress has quickly worked it's way into my mental most wanted list, it's just such a lovely shape. And as for the Swedish Hasbeens, I really didn't think I liked them... Until I saw a green pair...If I could, I would own the entire outfit, but for now I think I'll just have to make do with a Polyvore collage!

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Night Owl

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011 0 komentar

"Night Owl is an ecclectic homewares company run by Jessica Rose Lennox. Upcycling reclaimed wood and vintage crockery with her hand drawn illustrations of British wildlife." 

Night Owl is the brainchild of Jessica Rose Lennox, who creates wonderful wildlife home ware with delicate hand drawn transfers. Jessica has very kindly donated one of her Barn Owl Mugs (above left) to our current giveaway. I was so flummoxed over which colour to choose ( I like them all, the black is classic, the brown owlish and the green is such a lovely shade) that instead she kindly said that the winner can choose whichever colour they like! (You can enter the giveaway here.)

I've been pining over her mugs and tea cups for some time, I can't help but feel a squirrel, (look at that face!) badger or owl mug would perfectly befit a cup of Earl Grey tea. Sadly I think I'm going to have to wait until I move. And have money. 

I would have loved to photograph a piece for the giveaway, but it made more sense for Jessica to post it directly. You can see a lovely little feature on Night Owl by Temporary Secretary here. Also, I'm not sure it's still running, but Jessica did have a rather exciting blog competition in which you could choose the vintage piece she would put her gorgeous hare design on to. Do go and check out her new website, Night Owl, when you have a chance.

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Tatty Devine

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011 0 komentar
Last Tuesday marked the last day of my Internship with Tatty Devine. I've been there part time for the last six week and I've thoroughly enjoyed it. A big part of me wanted to stay longer, however I'm in the process of moving and I'm also covering for my Manager while she's on holiday (which resulted in 10 days straight last week!) so to be honest it was getting a bit stressful and impractical. 

If I'm honest, I didn't really learn a lot as such, it really is just basic construction (which doing all day, non stop, is pretty tiring) but it was really exciting to work on the new Autumn/ Winter collection and to put together samples for the coming Spring/Summer collection. The Tatty Devine team are lovely, they always provided a pretty stella Vegetarian lunch (I've not heard of an internship providing lunch, let alone one I could eat) and there was some incredible cakes to be had.

I baked some peanut butter and chocolate cookies to take in. I had rather grander plans for an epic carrot cake, but was informed rather late in the day that it was my boyfriend's Mum's birthday.... So we were going for dinner which resulted in all thoughts of a carrot cake being lost. However dinner was really good, and we had the loveliest news of an engagement in the family!

As a thank you they make all interns their own name necklace. I'm not massively taken by my own name, so true to crazy cat lady form, I opted for my two favourite people cats, Rufus and Indie. Rufus and Indie are undoubtedly tortoise shell, anchor kind of cats and I can't wait to show them. True to cat form, they will probably try to maul it.
 (Said little people in question. I haven't taken any new photos of Rufus and Indie in such a long time - I need to rectify this soon.)

And as an extra gift, I was given the rather wonderful wooden moustache necklace which I like to wear with pride and a peter pan collar.
As I'm still unable to share with you the pieces I actually worked on, I thought I would show you a few of my favourites from current and past collections:
The dinosaur skeleton necklace is without doubt, my ultimate in Tatty Devine and if they ever decided to produce it in wood, I would probably have to sell all my possessions to own it.

In other news, I've had the worst customer service know to man from a small online shop. It's really upset me on many levels, a month after ordering I still haven't received the item, a refund, or a single word from the shop. I'm chasing it up via paypal, but it's just so disappointing, I've always had amazing service from small online shops and owning one myself, I just can't quite believe the service, or lack there of. I won't bore you with the details like poor Sophie but I can't but help feel it makes us all look bad when a small shop behaves like that. Maybe I've just been really unfortunate.

As I mentioned earlier I'm also in the process of moving, if you follow me on Twitter you will have seen the absurd photos of the chaos in our flat. The removals men came this morning (at 8am) so the great clean will commence this evening.

Also if you hadn't seen, I'm running a giveaway with three different prizes to celebrate Wallpaper Rose's second Birthday! (Including Max C London, Little Fille, Crown and Glory and Night Owl, as well as Wallpaper Rose.) You can enter here.


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