
Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Minggu, 31 Juli 2011 0 komentar

As per usual the last few weeks have been hectic busy, so busy in fact, I missed Wallpaper Rose's Birthday! I know, awful. Wallpaper Rose is now a troublesome toddler at the grand old age of two. Quite frankly I can't believe how fast the last two years have flown by, I still remember my first order and I don't get any less excited by it now! 

Befitting to our age, we intend to continue making a wild rupus, with new and exciting products and a website revamp which will hopefully start occurring in the next few week. (Now that we're two, we definitely don't want to be seen wearing the same clothes that a one year old Wallpaper Rose wore)

Anyway, seeing as we missed having a tea party in the garden, with jelly and games, to celebrate out Two-ness I'm having another giveaway for you. There are three prizes up for grabs:
GREEN Prize provided by:
CORAL Prize provided by:
WHITE Prize provided by:

To be in with a chance of winning one of these lovely prizes, you need to:

- 'Like' MaxCLondon's facebook page and then leave a comment on their wall with your favourite bag on their website and why (excluding the Pippa bag in the giveaway. Also mention that you're from the Wallpaper Rose giveaway!)
 - Follow these blogs: Little Fille, Night Owl, Crown and Glory and Wallpaper Rose
 - Then comment below with contact details and your preferred prize - Green, Coral or White. 

The competition closes on the 7th August at 12pm. 
Winner will be drawn on the following Monday.
Winners will be picked at random, if your first choice of prize has already gone, you will get one of the other two. 

A huge thank you to Mari, Jessica, Sophie and Lis for their donations.

And as an extra special thank you to all you Wallpaper Rose fans, you can get 15% off all Wallpaper Rose orders placed this week while the giveaway is active. Just use 'PearCrumble' at the checkout.

Good luck!

PS Crown and Glory are also celebrating their birthday with a rather wonderful giveaway too, check it out here.

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Max C London

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Minggu, 24 Juli 2011 0 komentar
If you hadn't heard of them before, I wanted to introduce you to Max C London, an online boutique stocked in various independent shops and larger franchises across the globe. They have very kindly agreed to donate something rather lovely to our next giveaway which should (hopefully) be launching next week! 

Max C London, established in 2007 is known for it's original prints and innovative cuts across both their clothing and accessory lines. These are a few of my current favourites.
Pippa Clutch - Available in black, blue and green
Spotted long sleeve chiffon dress - Also available in black
Heart Cardigan - Also available in coral
Polka-dot playsuit - Also available in cream

Max C is regularly featured on the fashion pages of glossy magazines, worn by a host of celebrities including The Saturdays and Sophie Ellis-Bextor and has enjoyed huge success throughout the blogging community. The site is also having a rather large sale at the moment, so make sure you take a look.
These are unquestionably my most coveted Max C pieces, sadly no longer available to buy, but I frequently check ebay just in case they make an appearance....

You can follow Max C on both Facebook and Twitter. 

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Running on Empty

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Kamis, 07 Juli 2011 0 komentar
Sorry to have been MIA again, things continue to be hectic.

However if you were waiting with baited breath, two lovely ladies have been chosen as winners for the Blog Birthday Giveaway. Lisa of Mathilde ♥ Manech won first prize and Amy of Amy Valentine won the runner's up gift - they've both already written posts about the giveaway, so do go and have a look. If you didn't win, never fear, Wallpaper Rose is turning two in a few weeks and they'll be another giveaway to celebrate. Again, I would like to say a massive thank you to the ladies who contributed to such a special prize - Sophie, Lavinia, Isobel, Katie, Jess, Lyzi, Emily and Sophie.

In other news, I started a new internship a few weeks ago doing jewellery production for Tatty Devine. It's pretty inspiring, if not incredibly tiring! Sadly I can't actually tell you about anything I've made, as it's all part of the new Autumn/Winter collection, but I'll probably do a post on my favourite classic Tatty pieces in the not too distant future. Though it does now mean Thursday is my only day off and alas I spent most of today tidying the flat - joy. It also means I start most sentences with "I'm really tired" - I've become such an old person/ bore, I'm pretty lucky anyone talks to me at all.

This week also marks the second birthday of Smug. We had a press event yesterday evening as a means of launching the host of exclusives that have been created with Smug to celebrate being two. It went really well and was all terribly exciting, mainly because there were canapes, a lady from Vogue and I got to meet Donna Wilson! (Little things and little minds spring to well, mind) Lizzie who owns Smug worked so damn hard and really made the whole evening happen. (I never know what to wear to things like this, at heart I'm awfully inelegant, but I opted for a black shift dress, with my Nancy lace bib necklace. I had heels, but they quietly remained behind the counter for the entire evening) As everyone loves a party, we're continuing the celebrations on Saturday, when we'll properly unveil the new exclusives (keep your eyes peeled on our window display!) with Thornback and Peel tea towel deals and cake in the yard. So if you're in the Angel/Islington area you should definitely come and see us!

And finally, I have a photograph in the Islington Arts Factory Summer Salon! Unfortunately I don't think I'm going to be able to make the private view tomorrow evening, but if you fancy taking a look, here are the details:

An if you want to see the photo, look for umbrellas, lots of umbrellas....


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