WR Blog's First Birthday GIVEAWAY

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Jumat, 17 Juni 2011 0 komentar
The Wallpaper Rose Blog is ONE today! And as a little Happy Birthday from me, I'm launching the largest Giveaway I've ever done. To help celebrate I asked my favourite makers and creators with blogs if they would donate a little something to the prize, so get ready for a handmade extravaganza. (They've also all provided discount codes for their online shops!)

First Prize:
Crown and Glory - has given this super stylish dusky mint ribbed jersey headband. (Sophie has also very kindly donated to the Runner's Up prize too!)
Discount to use in Sophie's Shop: wallpaperrose15 (to get 15% off your order in both her shops)
Lavina's Tea Party - has given one of her adorable broken china circular brooches and a set of postcards.
Discount to use in Lavina's Shop: June2011 (to get 10% off your order)
Isobel Kho Illustrations - has given us a lovely screen printed bear tote and pug greeting card - I'm a little bit in love with his face!
Discount to use in Isobel's Shop: PugPug (to get 15% off your order)
What Katie Found - has given us one of her wonderfully vintage map puzzle badges.
Discount to use in Katie's Shop: WALLPAPERROSE (to get 10% off your order)
Cuppa Tea And Cake - have given this darling wooden wool brooch.
Discount to use in Jess's Shop: ROSEWALLPAPER (to get 10% off your order)
Being Little - has given this very cute floral kitten.
Hand Made By Emily - has donated these lovely green and white striped buttons and her new forth-coming larger buttons in tan polka dot.
Discount to use in Emily's Shop: WALLPAPERROSE0611 (to get 10% off your order - valid until 30th June - Midnight)
Oh My Clumsy Heart - has given this wonderful Dachshund Brooch.
Discount to use in Sophie's Shop: WALLPAPERROSE (To get 10% off your order)
And it wouldn't be a Wallpaper Rose Giveaway without a little Wallpaper Rose... I have a Golden Snitch necklace and a Frances tea necklace to give away.
Discount to use for Wallpaper Rose: GOLDENSNITCH (to get 10% off your order)

Never fear, there's a Runner's Up Prize too:
 A Wallpaper Rose Nancy Lacy Bib necklace.
And an Inky Marl Ribbed Jersey Headband, donated by the lovely 
Sophie of Crown and Glory.

Both winners will also receive a Wallpaper Rose Olivia button mirror and pin badge.

A really MASSIVE thank you to all the lovely creative people who have taken the time to donate such great items to make this a really exciting giveaway. (Sophie, Lavinia, Isobel, Katie, Jess, Lyzi, Emily and Sophie x)

I'm sure by now you're wondering what you need to do to be in with a chance of winning this bountiful prize - it's perfectly simple, you just need to follow each blog that has donated to the giveaway! (including Wallpaper Rose)  - not exactly a hardship, when the blogs are as exciting as the shops they keep. Here's a little reminder of the blogs you need to follow (click for links):

Once you're following all of these blogs (and I will be checking!) comment below with your name and a contact email address.The competition closes on the 24th June, the winner and runner-up will be chosen at random.

Good luck! x

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As I stand on the edge of my embattled illusions

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Kamis, 09 Juni 2011 0 komentar

I've recently rediscovered my love for my sewing machine - it's weird how you don't realise how much you miss something. Anyway, I've had great fun making some bunting, which I hope you like. Both are now available online, I keep planning more, but maybe I shouldn't get too carried away!

While I had the machine out, I had a go at making a headband - I've been meaning to try for ages, but there are so many lovely ones around at the moment, this seems a little lacklustre in comparison - I love the fabric though. I've also just ordered myself a pattern to make a blouse too, which I'm really excited about starting. 

(Sorry about the photos, my camera lens is messing around like crazy at the moment and not focusing, which is a really pain in the ass! Also my face wasn't enjoying being photographed, so you'll have to imagine how it looks on!)

 These are few new pieces now available
And a few new custom pieces...

I apologise, my brain seems to have momentarily stopped function, and nothing I type seems to make sense, so I'll stop! Have a lovely evening all x

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High Summer - Little Fille

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Kamis, 02 Juni 2011 0 komentar

I'm sure if you read my blog, even just on the odd occasion, you'll have picked up on my rather huge love of Little Fille. So it will come as no surprise that I was hugely excited to hear about the launch of the new High Summer Collection. (Bows in colour co-ordinated piles - who could ask for more?!) 

Little Fille is the creation of the rather wonderful Mari Santos, who's multi-functional headpieces can now be found gracing the walls of Topshop's Flagship store on Oxford Street. It's always inspiring to have contact with someone like Mari, who with hard work and great idea has managed to transcend the small online shop and reach the mass market with her creativity. And like a little bow of recognistion, two of her head pieces were featured in last Sunday's Style Magazine in this summer-vintage inspired shoot.

Mari really kindly sent me two pieces from her most recent collection, Bettie - a two-way, polka dot turban and Emma - a fresh water pearl headband with detachable bow. (Though I have a green version, which isn't available online!) Bettie is perfect for day wear, but the fresh water pearls of Emma make it ideal for dressing up an outfit on a night out. I've always wanted to rock a head bow like Zooey Deschanel in 300 Days of Summer (I'm pretty sure Sophie and I discussed this in great depths about a year ago) and now I do... well, try is more accurate.
(I would like to take the time to apologise, this post features more of my face than I would ever care to show, but I wanted to demonstrate the loveliness of my headbands. Also, for a photography graduate, my ability to take self portraits is shocking, hence the joy of photobooth.)

This is my Emma bow and my Betty headband from the Winter collection - I still adore the cord knot detailing, a strike of genius on Mari's part, in my opinion!

And if the new collection in all it's colour bright and floral loveliness isn't appealing enough, Mari is offering either a free bow clip (yes FREE and not available to buy!) or 50% off your favourite headband online, when you purchase a headband from Topshop Oxford Circus and scan in the receipt and email her! (She's a complete doll)

Surely there couldn't be a better reason to take a trip to Topshop?!

For further information, events, competitions and general wonderment, follow Little Fille on Facebook, Twitter and Mari's Blog.


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