Something Old, Something New

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Rabu, 27 April 2011 0 komentar
Like the rest of Britain, we at Wallpaper Rose are a little excited by William and Kate's wedding!

So much so, I wanted to share with you the Royal Wedding Collection. As most of us won't actually be attending, I thought I would create a range more appropriate to the tea parties and barbecues in the sunshine that I hope you'll be having instead! I've opted for antique bronzes, pearls and blue florals. With these I've put together a few outfits paying homage to British-ness with a relaxed summery twist on the colour pallet - utilising corals, denim blues, floral and lace.

Outfit One:

Floral Shirt Dress - ASOS
Mariella Carriage Necklace - Wallpaper Rose
Perdi Key Necklace - Wallpaper Rose
Pixi Succulent Lip Twin in Coral Camellia - Smug
Coral Reef Nail Polish - Models Own

Outfit Two:

Louche Denim Dress - Joy
Bettie Polka Dot Turban - Little Fille
Marta Locket - Wallpaper Rose
Ruby Earrings - Wallpaper Rose
Sandals - Schuh

Outfit Three:

Jen Peter Pan Collar Tee in Navy - Wallpaper Rose
Eleanor Brooch - Wallpaper Rose
Denim Shorts - Hollister
Michelle Two-way Headband - Little Fille

Quite a few people email and ask, so I thought I'd let you know that some of the Jen Peter Pan Collar Tees and the Golden Snitch necklace are back in stock on the website. Also, if you'd like to be the first to hear about Wallpaper Rose news, discounts and events, sign up to our newsletter!

I hope you're all enjoying the many Bank Holidays this week - what have you got planned for the weekend? x

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Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Minggu, 24 April 2011 0 komentar
Easter egg hunt anyone?

Enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend - is anyone doing anything special??
I'm going to see the original Alice in Wonderland animation at the cinema tomorrow! x

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Oh you pretty things

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Selasa, 05 April 2011 0 komentar

I know I've somewhat neglected my blog as of late, so I thought I had better do a quick round up! Firstly, new pieces. Though perhaps not so new.... a clear reminder of how long I've actually been working on this post! Also the new Jen Tees - I hope the new lace collars are liked as much as the old ones were - I actually think I prefer these, but we'll see how it goes. My t-shirt supplier also seems to be phasing out the t-shirts I use, which is a massive shame, I don't seem to be able to get either of the burgundy shades now.

In other news, today was the last day of my three month internship, so I'm now back trawling through websites looking for new opportunities. I've also started working in the loveliest of shops, SMUG! (Expect regular Smug updates - as I already have a ridiculous internal shopping list.) Smug is a wonderfully quirky lifestyle shop in Camden Passage, Islington that sells an array of new and vintage homeware, furniture, accessories and apparel. The shop is also beautifully designed if you needed any further incentive to visit. 

You can also follow SMUG of facebook and twitter.
Images courtesy of Smug.

At the end of February I was lucky enough to win the Deer Brains Birthday competition and I've finally (nearly) received all of the prizes! A ridiculous bounty I know. I'm particularly taken with my new friend, Vincent. He currently resides on my bed, but has been known to hang out on the sofa.
Again, another massive thank you to the Deer Brains team.

I'm not usually someone lucky enough to win anything, so was quite confused to also be chosen at random (huzzah for coincidence) to win Dixi's facebook competition. I received this rather lovely Dorothy Perkins satchel. Dixi sells a range of modern and vintage women's apparel - I'm particularly enamoured with their Freya Peter Pan Collar dress.

To celebrate the opening of their new building and photography at the University of wales, Newport, they selected a variety of work, predominantly by ex-students, to adorn the glass walls. I was lucky enough to have one of my images selected. Sadly I haven't had the chance to get back to Newport to see it, but I'm pleased none the less! The image used is the one below:

'Fable' copyright of Louise Nowelle Gibbs.
Please do not use without my permission.

For one of my best friend's birthday, I made him an infamous sock monkey.
I have made three sock monkeys in my life time and I have learnt the following:

1. Never use mens socks. You will be stuffing for eternity. 
2. They make a rather lovely present, particularly for boys, as you cannot give them jewellery.
3. Ears and mouths are not my strong point.
4. No matter how many mistakes you make, or how bad they look, you can dismiss it all with the word 'handmade'.

This is Sam's monkey, who I still believe is nameless (!!!) with Alan. Alan is the rather dashing monkey on the left, the first I made and the only one that will ever be made out of men's socks. He belongs to my beloved and is naturally named after Alan Rickman. The best Alan Man there will ever be. (If you don't agree, you clearly haven't watched Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves or Truly madly Deeply.)

I've rather foolishly got emotionally attached to the Neal by Neal Sperling cable cardigan at Urban Outfitters, again. This time in rust. It's taking the majority of my will power not to buy it and truthfully I cannot promise I won't cave. My mum is still in the process of knitting my bottle green version - apparently every time she sits down to knit she ends up with a cat on her lap. 
Given the choice of knitting or Rufus and Indie, I'd choose Rufus and Indie every time.

I've also realised from this photograph that with my badly DIY'd fringe and my eyebrows, I look like Spock. 

There is no way this can be interpreted positively.

Sadly I didn't get to see my Mum on Mother's Day as I was working and not really in the right part of the country. So I just wanted to share a little appreciation here for being fortunate enough to have her. To bastardise Tina Turner's lyrics, she's simply the best.

And while I was showing embarrassing photos, I thought I would share the precursor to Reservoir Dogs.

Over and Out x

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