Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Senin, 24 Januari 2011 0 komentar
Today is, alas, my birthday. 

And as a means of trying to make myself feel a little better about how heinously old I am, I thought I would get you all in on the celebrations by launching a new giveaway today! 

To make it just that little bit more special, the wonderful Sophie of Crown & Glory is gifting one of her new beautiful velvet turbans to the prize! Sophie has gone a little creating-mad recently, so do check out her site as it is full to the brim of pretty new pieces!

The Giveaway Prize Includes:

-  WRJ Beatrice Necklace
- WRJ Cassie Hair Slides in coral
- WRJ Olivia floral Button Mirror
- 2x WRJ pin buttons (one in each of the current designs - not pictured)
- Crown and Glory Dr Black Velvet Turban Headband

To Enter:

 - You must be a follower of this blog (please state whether you're following via Google Connect or Bloglovin')
 - Please follow the lovely Crown and Glory who have so generously donated to the giveaway! (again please state how you are following them - Google Connect or Bloglovin')
 - Please leave your email address so that I can contact you if you are the winner. 

The Giveway closes on Tuesday 1st February at 5pm.
The winner will be drawn at random - either through or from a teapot!

I'm afraid I'm looking a little rough city central this evening, I slept awfully last night - but this is me rocking the slouchy Birthday look and a few of the lovely things I was given this morning before I left for work - I'm a very lucky lady.

Good luck everyone and have a rather splendid evening x

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And roll around like marbles on the floor.

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Rabu, 19 Januari 2011 0 komentar

I apologise for my complete disappearance (yet again!) things have been so hectic recently, I just don't know where the time has gone. I started this post, well sometime near Christmas as I wanted to show you some of the beautiful things I received. Unfortunately, I was trying to do it quickly and took a bunch of really shite photos and haven't had the chance to re-shoot it. So I'm afraid I've stolen a few images to give you a better idea! 
I just wanted to make a quick mention of this lovely book my boyfriend's parents gave me - 'The Gentle Art of Quilt making'. 

Now I can't say quilting has ever held a particular interest for me, but this book is so beautifully shot and inspiring, I actually cannot wait to start making one! I've decided it's going to be my first project when we move into our new place, I'm really excited about sourcing materials. I've already warned the boyface that it will be 100% floral-y! I will do a more in depth post about the book, and about my progress when I start making it.

In other news, my Mum is knitting me a cardigan for my birthday! Admittedly I'm not convinced it will be finished by next week, but after realising my love for the Urban Outfitters cardigan that I keep harping on about, she started finding lot of different cardigan patterns to try and make me one in a very similar style - she really is wonderful! I still haven't shown you my awful attempt at knitting my boyfriend a stocking for Christmas. I was pretty bad at it, but I really did enjoy knitting. I think I'm going to try and get myself some sock patterns to attempt.  I'm currently planning to launching another giveaway on my birthday, it just seemed appropriate, so please do keep an eye out for that.


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Snow Started Falling

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Rabu, 05 Januari 2011 0 komentar

I'm sorry I've be somewhat absent as of late - I have so much to catch up on, I'm not really sure where to begin! So as a starting exercise I thought I would post my somewhat late wish list I started making long before Christmas. It wasn't ever really aimed at Christmas, it was more a - 'If I had a ridiculous amount of money to throw around right now, I would buy...' kind of a list. It's also a little tailored as I'm starting an internship next week (and yes, I do have the fear) so need to smarten my wardrobe. This is harder than you might think as I do essentially live in jeans and a t-shirt - but apparently this isn't a smart combination? Anyway, as a little aside - does anyone know a New Look where you can still purchase the high-waisted a-line bow skirt from?? I spent an age looking for it in the wrong shop, only to discover they had sold out!

I will do a 'focused' Christmas and New Year post, but I thought I'd leave you with a few pieces new to Wallpaper Rose.

I hope everyone has had a really lovely festive season - isn't it sad it's basically all over??

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