A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Senin, 25 Oktober 2010 0 komentar

New Esme earrings, now available online. Hopefully I'll introduce a few new colour ways as well. x

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Rosy faced

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010 0 komentar

I've been a little slow getting this together, but a little while back my boyfriends wonderful sister, Tiff went through my CV (she works in HR) to make it more appealing and hopefully make me more employable. I've never been all that good at selling myself, so I really appreciate the time she's put into making it look good. So as a little present I've made her a customised version of Olive and combined it with Crown and Glory's Pocket Full Of Posies bobby pin set  - she absolutely loves pink, so I really hope she likes it! (Tiff and her husband also have a pet rabbit - Peanut - he's adorable, which is why I felt the necklace was appropriate.) I'm posting it tomorrow, so I guess I'll find out if it goes down well.

I had planned on photographing the hair slides myself, however I couldn't bring myself to undo C&G's wonderful packaging! As you may or may not know I'm a sucker for packaging, hence why I've photographed it for you. I'm also starting to think maybe I need to step up my own packaging for Wallpaper Rose. I love that Crown and Glory really has it's own visual identity as a brand, I think I perhaps need to work on my own!

I'll hopefully have few new pieces to show you this weekend, but I hope everyone has a lovely one, what are your plans? 

This evening has just disappeared, I don't think I've done anything useful! x

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All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010 0 komentar

Green Wrap Around Dress - Love Label £38
Black Blazer - Topshop £60
Imogen Necklace - Wallpaper Rose Jewellery £12
Iron and Wine Bobby Pin set - Crown and Glory £6
Golden Drew Drops - Crown and Glory £8
Cherry Pie Nail Polish - Models Own £5
Black Suedette Bow Platforms - Miss Selfridge £45

I'm still internally debating as to whether I'm allow a new new dress for the wedding I'm going to at the end of the month. I know realistically the answer is no, however it doesn't appear to have stopped me looking! I have pretty much given up of the lovely Pearl Lowe dress I showed you in my last post - I don't seem to be able to find a large enough Peacocks anywhere. 

Anyway - technically, I wasn't actually looking for a new dress to become attached to. However, when reading Llymlrs's blog, I found she had created a really lovely outfit with a simple yet classic playsuit. (I still find that the jury is out on playsuits - I like them on other people, but I can't help but feel I would look dreadful in one.) So I followed the link to 'In love with fashion' which I soon realised was a featured brand in Topshop, Love Label. I've looked at many of their items, but I don't think I've ever actually tried anything on. Anyway, low and behold I discovered this beautiful dress. It's a very similar shape to Lily's playsuit, but in dress format. The colour is simply perfect for the time of year, to which I have fully embraced with accessories! (Have you seen Crown and Glory's new pieces?? They've hit the top of my wish list) The berry florals and burnt-orange leaves perfectly compliment the dark sage green of the dress, which I've further enhanced with the Imogen Wallpaper Rose necklace - in varying green tones.

I then teamed this with a blazer, as it's going to be cold and I don't think a baggy cardigan will quite cut it in the elegant/appropriateness stakes. I'm starting to think realistically, I'll probably have to wear a dress I already own (boo) and perhaps invest in a blazer. I only have a grey one from Primark, which fits me quite badly. I don't suppose anyone has suggestions for places to find blazers that are nice, but without the Topshop price tag? I'm having no ebay joy! x

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Pushin' in the pin, well I know I know

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010 0 komentar

Finally my Wallpaper Rose Pins have arrived!! Being a service I hadn't used before, I was a little concerned they might not be the best quality, but they're actually lovely, I'm so pleased! Hopefully I'll do another two designs in the not too distant future. The plan is to give away a pin with every order, and when I have four designs, to make a pin set to sell on the website. I hope you like them as much as I do, I'd love to hear your feedback! x

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Ricochet 14

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010 0 komentar

This is an extract from a photo book I made a year or so ago, Ricochet. x

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Step in to my office baby

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010 0 komentar
Pearl Lowe Lace Collar Dress - Peacocks - £35
Annabelle Necklace - Wallpaper Rose Jewellery - £13
Head piece - Little Fille - to be released
Bow court heel - New Look - £22.99
Nails in Voltage - Topshop - £5
Nails in Hide and Seek - Topshop - £5

I discovered this wonderful dress via Models Own's twitter feed, I'm a little blown away it from Peacocks - it's their range designed by Pearl Lowe. It's chic tailoring and pretty lace detailing is just lovely. I have a wedding coming up towards the end of the month and I've started to fixate on this as an outfit (not that I have the cash for something new!), however perhaps it's a little too funereal? I'm never really sure as to whether there's some kind of rule against wearing black to a wedding, but the LBD is always so flattering! I also think this would make a great interview outfit ( I'm still planning for when, eventually I might get that special call/email/letter..... perhaps it just seems more reasonable as a potential purchase if it has more than one function)

Anyway, I've teamed it with a headpiece from the to be released Autumn/ Winter collection by Little Fille, bow court heels, the Wallpaper Rose Annabelle necklace - a simple locket on a long length chain would really compliment the peter pan collar and then a choice of nail colour. Either a simple oyster sheen (Hide and Seek) or a dark blue (voltage). As discussed by Sophie at Crown and Glory I can't help but throw caution into the wind and love navy and black as a combination. Having said that, I would and probably have worn black, navy and brown in one outfit - I'm probably the biggest crime against fashion know to humanity, but there we go. I hope you like it.

I'm working on a few new pieces at the moment, so once they're finished I'll post some photos later this week. I hope everyone has had a lovely weekend. I've just had to leave my boyfriend at the train station - saying goodbye always leaves me a little melancholy. However, seeing him was so very lovely. x

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I see a wilderness for you and me

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010 0 komentar

The beautiful Jazmine of Jazzabelle's Diary, wore WRJ's Audrey necklace in her post, 'I believe more in the scissors than I do the pencil'. (Could she have found a more apt quote? I feel not!) She teamed the sewing themed necklace with an oversized chunky knit, pairing with jeans is a similar shade, lovely grey marl tee and turban style headband. She's stylishly rocking the comfortable look and I love it.

I feel pretty awful as I can't remember if I shared with you the lovely Lily of LLYMLRS wearing WRJ's Florence necklace. She featured the necklace in her 'Drummer Boy' post back at the beginning of September. She looks absolutely radiant in her cute polka dot playsuit and red cardigan combo. Florence works really well with her rosary beads.

Currently I find seeing how people are styling themselves via their blogs is my greatest fashion inspiration and it really is lovely to see how people work Wallpaper Rose into their look and make it there own.

If you're interested in modeling or advertising Wallpaper Rose Jewellery please don't hesitate to send me an email at info@wallpaperrose.co.uk x

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Art Takes Miami

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010 0 komentar

I've just entered the Art Takes Miami Competition. It's an opportunity to have you work showcased in America (not to mention a paid trip TO Miami!) which is pretty exciting! There's the Grand Prize Award and The People's Choice Award, for which anyone can vote by rating the work entered.

I would be massively appreciative if you would consider rating my portfolio, to do so just click here. (You can also vote every 24 hours, should you be that bored and desire too!)

Also, if you have the time, please check out the following portfolio:

Charlie Goldblatt

Thank you :)


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Little Fille

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010 0 komentar

Little Fille is the brain child of the rather lovely Mari Santos, a freelance fashion writer/designer from Toronto. (Mari was kind enough to model for Wallpaper Rose on her blog a little while back.) She creates beautiful and unique headpieces, that more often than not can be worn in more than one way, just increasing their loveliness. Sophie of Crown and Glory introduced me to the Little Fille site earlier this year and I've been avidly following ever since. Each piece is lovingly hand crafted which just adds to their quirky appeal.

Rather shamefully I've been meaning to share this wonderful site with you for so long, that I have images saved from their previous collection, which is no longer available (as far as I'm aware). I believe Mari was creating a different piece for every day of that particular month, which is not only an epic undertaking but also such a unique and rather lovely idea! (see below) The above images are from the impending Autumn/Winter collection which is just perfect for bringing a little elegance to cosy knits and autumnal colours that are big right now.

If you love Little Fille as much as I do, Mari has her own blog which is a great read, mixing the personal with Little Fille. If you have the opportunity, check out her Halloween costumes - they're brilliant! Never have I seen such a great Princess Leia! x

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Nixie and Tea

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010 0 komentar

Crown and Glory Nixie Clips - No longer available

Crown and Glory Review

I know I rave about Crown and Glory on a regular basis, but technically I've been a little slack! A little while we did another product swap - C&G's Nixie clips for WRJ's Babushka necklace. I'm afraid I'm somewhat late in telling you about this lovely purple floral set as they've since been discontinued! I adore the dark pinky-purple flower and it works really well with the paler lilac bloom - what I particularly enjoy about the Crown and Glory clips are their versatility. (I'm sure I've told you about my hair band big head issue! - so clips are just perfect) They can be worn singularly or in groups and  I really enjoy wearing them when I pile my hair up. (I'm not big on photos of me, but Sophie asked for a photo for Crown and Glory's facebook page, so I apologise for spazzy face-ness)

I was particularly delighted on friday to come home and discover that the lovely Sophie had also sent me the cute Time for Tea Bobby Pin set! (isn't she wonderful?) I haven't had the chance to wear them yet, but I'm currently working in a Tea Shop, so I don't think they could be any more perfect!

I've also included a photo of all my floral Crown and Glory pieces - mainly because they're just so gosh darn pretty. If you have the chance do take a look at their website, not only do they have some seriously pretty new pieces (The Golden Dewdrops are fueling my current enjoyment of Autumn)
but Crown and Glory are offering Wallpaper Rose readers an exclusive 15% discount! 

Just enter 'WALLPAPERROSE' at the checkout! (Valid until 31st October 2010) x

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