They will see us waving from such great heights

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010 0 komentar

Coming soon to Wallpaper Rose... I'll try my hardest to get some of these new pieces online tonight!

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There's a new kid in town...

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010 0 komentar

These are some new pieces I'm in the process of making - I apologise for the crappy photos! It's a new style of necklace, I'd love to know what you think! x

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New Pieces

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010 0 komentar

New Pieces to Wallpaper Rose.


I hope you like them x

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Lost in Translation

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier 0 komentar

I've been working on these for ages and thought it was about time I showed you! Fiona commissioned me to make three sterling silver bridesmaid's bracelets. I'm still waiting for the third vintage locket to arrive before I can make a start on the third, red themed bracelet. I'm going to try something a little different with the third one, which could result in the change of design of these two, however for now I'm really pleased with them. Despite containing a number of charms, I think they've managed to stay elegant and pretty... I hope anyway! I'd love to know your thoughts. x

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Mini Cards

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010 0 komentar

I felt it was about time the Wallpaper Rose business cards had a bit of a revamp - I hope you like the new designs.

(I'm a little scared now the last few are a little too hard to read :S Ahh well... I'll have to wait and see when they're printed!)


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Beautiful Bloggers

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010 0 komentar

1. Mari from Little Fille - wearing Sylvie
2. Constance from Constance-Victoria  - wearing Reike
3. Emma from Is This Real Life? - wearing Ruthia

I wanted to introduce you to these beautiful bloggers who have incorporated Wallpaper Rose Jewellery into their outfit posts! (I was very excited to see the photos!) They all create their own really interesting, fashion based blogs, so if you have the time please follow the links and have a look.

I think you'll agree all three ladies look divine!

If you're interested in modeling/ promoting Wallpaper Rose Jewellery, please contact me here. x

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Varsity Blues - Wishful Wednesday

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010 0 komentar

Varsity Bomber - Urban Outiftters (£75)
Acid Wash Rose Tee - Topshop (£22)
Celia Necklace - Wallpaper Rose Jewellery (Coming Soon)
Ruthie Bracelet - Wallpaper Rose Jewellery
Fox Fuchsia Nail Polish - Models Own
Magenta Pearl Nail Polish - Models Own

Varsity Blues

Today I'm feeling slouchy, so I've put together a comfortable, casual outfit. Wear it with rolled to the ankle skinny jeans and some brown leather sandals. Perfect for the not quite Summer, not yet Winter weather we appear to be having!

I've always had an attraction to baseball/ varsity style jackets and all of a sudden it seems they're available in shops! I absolutely love the maroon shade of this Urban Outfitters jacket, sadly the price rockets it out of budget, but it doesn't make it any less lovely. I can imagine this outfit looking great, but I'm not sure I've done it justice with the way I've put it together - I promise a better outfit post next week!

I've just received some Compass Charms which I'm very excited to make into jewellery soon... hopefully I'll get some new pieces on here soon. x

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REVIEW: Crown and Glory

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Senin, 16 Agustus 2010 0 komentar

REVIEW: Crown and Glory

"Crown&Glory was born in 2010 from a love of all things that adorn barnettes. Inspired by nature, fashion and art, Crown&Glory hair pieces are handmade and created with love and care."

The lovely Miss Sophie King, creator and maker of Crown and Glory, and I went to University together and both have a habit of lusting after each others creations. Sadly we are both currently clinging to the lower end of the food chain of post-University unemployment (consequently, if you'd like to employ us, please email....) we're rarely able to justify purchasing the pretty things we desire.

However it suddenly dawned upon us (Sophie) that it wasn't uncommon among the blogging/creative community to take part in a product swap. (Huzzah, pretty things!) Anyway, things had been a little hectic, and I'd partly forgotten our arrangement until this beautiful parcel was catapulted through my letter box!

If you hadn't realised, I'm a sucker for packaging and this simply ticked all the boxes!

Sophie had sent me an adaptation piece from her new Peaseblossom Collection. I absolutely loved the Luella hair clip, but had a greater preference for the flowers on the Orlaith headband. As much as I'm drawn to headbands, I have a fairly abnormally large head, which can make wearing headbands for any length of time somewhat painful. She used two varying flowers in the cornflower blue to create two different clips, which allows me greater freedom to play around with how I wear them. They're both on substantial silver-tone metal clips, guarenteeing that they will stay firmly attached to your hair all day, regardless of windy weather! And I have to say, as well as with every other piece I own of the Crown and Glory range, I simple love them, they're so easy to wear.

(I appologise for the poor head shots, self portraiture has never been my thing.)

Crown and Glory have their own blog, can be followed on Facebook and Twitter and sell via Folksy and BigCartel.

If you would like your product reviewed, or would be interested in taking part in a product swap, please email me here

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Broken Record

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010 0 komentar

Mt apologies for sound like a broken record.... Urban Outfitters got the Peter Pan Collar dress back in green! Oh my I want! I wish I had waited and bought this as my Graduation dress..... oh to have money. It's just beautiful. I've teamed it with WRJ's Alana necklace.

....I'm trying to find away to justify purchasing this.... but I think it'll only happen if it magically enters the sale! x

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To live will be a great adventure - Outfit Wednesday

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010 0 komentar

Pins + Needles Gathered Panel Frock - Urban Outfitters (£58)
Pins & Needles Lace Insert PE Cardigan - Urban Outitters (£9.99)
Audrey Sewing Necklace - Wallpaper Rose Jewellery (£15)
Tooled Frame Bag - Urban Outfitters (£48)
Tan Floral Brogues - Miss Selfridge (£35)
Moody Grey Nail Varnish - Models Own (£5)
Jade Stone Nail Varnish - Models Own (£5)


I'm simply in love with Peter Pan Collars at the moment, so I thought I would share this Urban Outfitters dress with you. This simple a-line dress is just a perfect compliment to the peter pan collar, I've pictured both the grey and cream versions because I couldn't decide which I preferred! (I think they had a green version which would have been my automatic first choice, but sadly it appears to be out of stock.) The dress is a little on the pricey side, especially for something that would probably just be a day dress, but if I had the money, it would be mine! Consequently if anyone knows of anywhere to get a slightly more reasonable priced peter pan collar dress or shirt, please let me know - I might have to go on a Primark/ H&M search soon in hope that they might.

While I was on the Urban Outfitters site I thought I might as well continue adding to the outfit there.

Seeing as Summer seems to be well and truly over I've teamed the dress with this lovely light cardigan with lacy detail. What makes it even more appealing is that in this colour way, it's reduced to £9.99! I've continued with a tooled frame bag with floral detail, it's PVC and not leather but the size is great and I really like its sculpted shape. To compliment the brown bag I've matched it with the Miss Selfridge brown floral brogues I pined for in an earlier post.

With this pretty girly look I've used WRJ's Audrey necklace - as I feel the vintage sewing tones really compliment that feel. I've picked out colours from the necklace and cardigan to choose nail colours, again by Models Own.

The additional picture is because I love her hair and hell, I think that should be thrown into the outfit too! I hope you like it.

I'm absolutely shattered this evening and very much missing the boy. Sadly Mr Wallpaper Rose is pretty much running away to Cyprus as soon as he's back from the Edinburgh Festival.
I have tried to make him remember all the good comedy so that he can re-tell it to me when I next see him!

This morning I received the loveliest gift in the post from the lovely Miss Sophie at Crown and Glory! It was entirely unexpected and my gosh so pretty, I need to take some photos but expect an entire entry dedicated to it soon! I've got a few new pieces on the back burners at the moment, but I'll let you know when they're done. Oh and I had a sale from Denmark last night. I was so stupidly happy, I think that's the furthest any of my jewellery has travelled - I hope they like it.

Night Night - I need a cup of tea x

PS I've realised how desperately I need to read Peter Pan - I never have! It's going on the books I need to purchase list, along with Gulliver's Travels.

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